In my June newsletter (catch up HERE if you missed it) I interviewed Helen Comerford about her brilliant YA superhero romcom, The Love Interest, which was released earlier this month by Bloomsbury. In it, 17-year-old Jenna has just been rescued by brand-new superhero Blaze, and the world now expects her to play the part of his love interest – something Jenna has zero interest in doing. But will the Villains’ offer to her be any more enticing..? This has big Marvel vibes, a kickass heroine, and is definitely one to add to your summer reading list!

After asking the author all about her debut in my newsletter interview, I wanted to dig a little deeper… and weirder.

Enter the 5 Random Questions!

Have you ever had a celebrity encounter?

I worked in the theatre for over a decade, so I’ve met a few celebs. Maybe the most interesting was David Hasselhoff. I helped out with ‘A Night with David Hasselhoff’ at the O2 and the very, very excited audience invaded the stage!

Other than writing, what’s your dream job?

Strangely, I’ve always thought that there’s a Helen in a parallel universe who’s a Careers Advisor. I’m such a know it all, I love trying to help people with courses, applications and career paths. 

You have one hour to hide a body. What are you going to do?

I’d probably go full theatre. Get some makeup on them, some dark glasses, a party wig and make it look like they’re sleeping off a fun night … 

Have you ever had your fortune told, and did it come true?

Three days hike from my village in Wales, there’s an old lady in a hillside cottage. For an offering of a Starbucks Frappuccino and bara brith, she will look into your future. She has eyes misted with age and a voice that cut me to my core when she said, ‘Don’t make stuff up on author interviews. It’s not big and it’s not clever.’

I’m a bit of a sceptic to be honest. I once had my tarot done at a festival I was in charge of and the psychic (who I had booked) told me I was a leader and a great organiser – that’s put me off fortune tellers a bit.

What’s a place you’ve never been but always wanted to visit?

The Arctic Circle. I managed to miss the Northern Lights when they visited in South Wales in May, so it’s been bumped right up my list.

About Helen Comerford

Helen writes funny and fantastical tales, with diverse casts of characters, for children and young adults. She is fuelled by a love of all things super-powered, feminism, and chocolate raisins.

Helen spent a decade as a theatre stage manager, walking and talking very quietly backstage in theatres around the country. Her time working at Shakespeare’s Globe, and with Wise Children Theatre Company, cemented her love of theatre and allowed her to travel around the world looking for stories. After squeezing her writing into days off and train journeys, Helen left the touring life to settle in South Wales and dedicate herself to writing joyful (and ridiculous) books.

When she’s not writing, you can find her hiking around the Welsh countryside with her dog, Cocoa.

Find out more about Helen and her writing by visiting her website, and by following her on Twitter/X and Instagram.

If you missed my newsletter interview with Helen Comerford about The Love Interest, catch up here. Also remember to sign up for my newsletter which I send out every month – next month’s goes out on Friday, 5th July and will feature an interview with L M Nathan about her stunning debut dystopian YA, The Virtue Season. Don’t miss it!

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